Cold Brew Coffee

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Cold Brew Coffee ready to drink 200 ml
We start with a sweet, acid-free coffee with a silky body and notes of milk chocolate, nuts, honeysuckle and strawberries. By cold infusing freshly roasted coffee, we extract the complex aromas of the coffee, leaving the bitter oils in the grounds.
LOT starting with 1_46
Origin: Mogiana, Brazil
Farm : Fazenda Água Limpa
Producer : Mr. Paulo Roberto Figueiredo
Altitude : 1100 m
Variety : Obatã, Mundo Novo
Processing: natural
Roastery : Sloane Coffee Roastery
LOT 1_43, 1_44, 1_45
Origin: Cerrado, Brazil
Farm : Finca Pedra Grande
Producer : Finca Pedra Grande
Altitude : 700 - 1350 m
Variety : Yellow Catuai
Processing: natural
Roastery : Sloane Coffee Roastery
LOT 1_40
Origin : Jalapa, New Oriente, Aldea Urrlalta, Guatemala
Farm : Lomas Altas
Producer : Raul Sanchez Agustino
Altitude : 1800 m
Variety : Caturra, Pache, San Ramon
Processing : by washing
Roastery : Sloane Coffee Roastery
LOT 1_36, 1_38, 1_39
Origin : Cerrado, Brazil
Farm : Serra Negra
Producer : Jose Eduardo Bernardes
Altitude : 1000 m
Variety : Topaz
Processing : natural
Roastery : Sloane Coffee Roastery
LOT 1_37
Origin : Sidamo, Ethiopia
Farm : Bonde Kochere
Producer : Tizita Bizuneh
Altitude : 2100 m
Variety : Heirloom
Processing : by washing
Roastery : Sloane Coffee Roastery
The formation of a film on the neck of the bottle is a natural process. In cold-brewed coffee, the oils solidify and many of the flavors of the drink come from these oils.
INGREDIENTS : filtered water, freshly roasted coffee
About us
Kofi Ti is the first cold brew and craft soda workshop in Romania. And as the history of any place begins with a story, ours has been woven from the beginning around tastes and aromas, nature and simple rediscovered things, being a story inspired by travel and driven by the pleasure of creating.
Kofi Ti is about long searches for the best ingredients, brought to our workshop in Buftea from all over the world, processed according to our own recipes, so that the artisan drinks we produce offer the properties of the raw materials from which they are made.
Tastes collected in the Kofi Ti workshop from all over the world
We have been following our passion since 2016, inventing and producing artisan drinks with new, surprising tastes, using original recipes and only natural raw ingredients from all over the world - Colombia, Bolivia, Italy, Madagascar, Ecuador, India, China or Sri Lanka.
One by one, at the workshop in Buftea, we have created a wide, original and varied range of natural artisanal drinks, without added dyes, preservatives or flavors, using only the highest quality ingredients, most of which were introduced for the first time on the Romanian market .
Cascara - the ingredient we invite you to discover with us.
We fell in love with cascara (the pulp of the coffee cherry), one of the most powerful natural antioxidants, from which we make Cascara Lemonade. Moreover, we are probably the only producers of quinine tree bark tonic water, a natural antiviral.
Teas inspired by Chinese traditions and coffee roasted just right
We went back to the origins to create a kola nut soft drink - Kola Tonic. We make delicious Cold Brew Coffee from coffee freshly roasted at Sloane Coffee Roastery and package carefully selected and important specialty teas directly from small producers in Yunnan, China, the region with the richest tea processing tradition.
Ready-to-drink and ready-to-mix craft beverages
We managed to build from scratch a range of unique craft drinks on the Romanian market, ready to drink and ready to mix , according to your own preferences. We invite you to discover their secrets, because in each product page we have useful information regarding: the ingredients used, their origin, as well as our work processes. All this, so that you can take home the most suitable craft drinks.
If you like stories, we are waiting for you here
Partner locations
We are Kofi Ti and we produce Romanian artisan drinks in our workshop in Buftea - Str. Marășești, No. 27.
Please leave us a message using the form below and we will respond as soon as possible.
You can also contact us by phone or email
TELEPHONE: 0765 331 103