
O16 [Dan Cong - Mi Lan Xiang]


Ingredients: Camellia Sinensis var. Sinensis var. Yes Ye
Harvest: April 2017
Origin: Zhongshan Village, Wu Dong Mountains, Guangdong, China
Tasting notes: polyfloral honey, fresh flowers, orchids, peach

Dan Cong teas are some of the oldest teas in China (it has been made for over 900 years), and Mi Lan Xiang ("orchid honey") is the most famous of them. The leaves are processed over a period of four months to give it creaminess and a floral aroma. The leaves of Bai Ye are wider and longer than those of other types of tea, and the dried leaves are dark brown in color, darker than those of other Dan Cong teas. The honey and orchid aromas are solely due to the processing of the tea.

O16 [Dan Cong - Mi Lan Xiang] - dry leaves

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