
What do we actually know about the coffee tree?

The fruits of the coffee tree grow in the form of cherries. The cascara is the pulp of the fruit and the coffee beans are the kernels. Between the cascara and the grain is a thin but tough skin called the husk.


* illustration by Ana-Maria Gălețeanu *

Surprisingly, cascara does not taste like coffee, but a fruity aroma. Cascara is between tea and coffee: it comes from the coffee tree, contains 4-8 times less caffeine, but is traditionally dried and infused like a "tea".

Very rich in antioxidants, Cascara has an ORAC value of 343900, ranking 4th in the world in the list of superfoods, 80 times more powerful antioxidant than goji.

huskee cascara kofi ti

Husk, an organic waste, is used in the production process of Huskee cups, reusable, durable, non-toxic (BPA-free) cups.

Together with Sustain.ro (importer and distributor of Huskee in Romania), we offer you the Cáscara de Café & Huskee Cup package - a perfect cup to take anywhere, anytime and the coffee cascara - for calm energy all day.

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